
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As I sit here and reflect over the past few months all I can do is repeat “thank you”, over and over again. In a way these months have felt like they have taken forever, and in another sense they seemed to have disappeared in a blink of an eye. Where did the time go? Am I soaking it all in before I leave? I’m trying to remember to pause and enjoy the moments I have with the people I love. To be fully present and not be distracted by silly things. It’s very hard, and it’s easy to get caught up with things that to be honest, truly don’t matter in the grand scheme of life. So I continue to pause, praise and reflect. 

Selah, in Hebrew, means to pause, praise and reflect. Pause in the moment, praise Him for what He has done, and reflect on how far He has brought you. 

Just like everyone else, this year has been hard for me, in more ways than one. But despite everything that’s happening in the world, I still fully believe He is good and is doing good continually. I have to remember to pause, praise and reflect on everything He has done so far, even the stuff that hurt really bad. If I’m being honest, I was highly doubtful I would be able to raise the funds for this mission trip when I first applied. My thoughts kept racing that there would be “no way” and to keep it as a pipe dream. I’m so glad that my doubt didn’t stop God from providing. Through countless people, He provided. Through people I haven’t talked to in years, He provided. Through faithful friends and family, He provided. I’m so glad God proved me wrong and showed me just how faithful He is. Selah; pause, praise and reflect. 

Now I’m 5 months into fundraising and I’ve raised over $12,000 and it blows my mind!! There have been too many times to count over these months where I have just stopped wherever I was and whispered a quiet “thank you” to Him. There have been even more times where I had to stop and just cry with gratitude that He would choose me for this journey. 

To those who have gone above and beyond for me over these past 5 months, thank you. I will never be able to say thank you enough for your generosity, kindness and love. He provided, and He will continue to provide. And I will continue to Selah; pause, praise and reflect. I hope you do too. 

4 responses to “Selah”

  1. Beautiful post, Krista! I’m Selah-ing right now for His goodness and for your willingness to tell the world about our triune God!